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Handle Values for: 10320/loc
1EMAIL2015-04-03 21:20:03Z hdladmin@cnri.reston.va.us
100HS_ADMIN2015-04-03 21:20:03Z handle=0.NA/10320; index=200; [create hdl,delete hdl,read val,modify val,del val,add val,modify admin,del admin,add admin]
2DESC2015-04-03 21:20:03Z This handle is a placeholder for the multiple location handle value type used by the hdl.handle.net proxy and any applications that retrieve URLs for handle
Talk to Sean Reilly <sreilly@cnri.reston.va.us> for details.
100110320/VALUEKEYMETA2015-04-03 21:20:03Z HandleID:10320/loc
SignerHandle:200/00 300
100010320/HVT2015-04-03 21:20:03Z <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BaseTypeDescription xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="C:\Documents and Settings\Christophe Blanchi\My Documents\Documents\All Projects\HandleTypeRegistry\Schema\HVT_Schema.xsd">
    <Title>10320/loc Location/attribute choose-by Handle Value Type</Title>
    <Description Language="en">The 10320/loc type is designed to allow for multiple URLs to be listed together in a single XML data structure. Each URL can be described using any of three attributes to enable a 10320/loc resolver to deterministically select the most appropriate URL from the list given a query. Each URL can be optionally associated any of the following three defined attributes: id, weight, country. Other attributes can be added as needed by an application.
The weight attribute is a float which specifies the relative importance of a URL within the list. The county attribute specifies the country where the server of the URL is located in and allow a URL to be selected according to geographical requirements. Finally the id attribute can specify a name for each URL which allows for a URL to be chosen by name. All three attributes can be used concurrently to select the URL which best satisfy the query criterion.
                <Descriptor>Sean Reilly</Descriptor>
        <Title>Handle web proxy</Title>
20010320/DATAMODEL2015-04-03 21:20:03Z <BaseTypeDescription xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Data_Model_Schema.xsd">
    <Title>10320/loc Data Model Description</Title>
    <Description Language="en">The 10320/loc type's data model consists in a list of locations expressed as URLs that are each qualified
    using a country, weight and id attributes. The county attribute expresses the country where the server specified in the URL is located. The weight
    describes the relative importance of a particula entry with respect to the others. The larger the weight the more important the URL. The weights are
    expressed as a float. Finally, the id specifies a name that can be used to specify a particular URL in the list. Each of these attributes can be combined to express a selection criteria for URL within the list. </Description>
                <Descriptor>Sean Reilly</Descriptor>
                    <Descriptor>Sean Reilly</Descriptor>
            <Descriptor>XML Formatting</Descriptor>
        <Title>Handle web proxy</Title>
20110320/VALUEKEYMETA2015-04-03 21:20:03Z HandleID:10320/loc
SignerHandle:200/00 300

Handle Proxy Server Documentation
Handle.net Web Site

Please contact hdladmin@cnri.reston.va.us for your handle questions and comments.